Out of all of the hard working staff at Spectrum there is a group that stands out: The Janitors. There are a number of janitors in each of the buildings and all of them deserve to be appreciated. The janitors perform many jobs inside and outside of the school. They do things such as shovel snow, sweep, and set up for events.

Mr. Skog said “In the morning, they are out salting the sidewalks for ice so we don’t slip very often. They are shoveling snow in the morning.”
Paul Lemmerman said “I’ll grab the big ole dust mop and I’ll walk it around just make sure all the floors are nice and dusted.”
The janitors make sure that Spectrum has clean hallways for students and staff to walk through, band and choir concerts with hundreds of chairs set up, and shoveled sidewalks to travel on. There is a large amount of time devoted by these individuals in order for Spectrum students to have a clean environment to learn in. There are janitors at school working early in the morning, all throughout the day, and late into the night. Even with all this time spent the janitors still manage to be in good spirits.
Skog said “They are just friendly to work with, always willing to help, never a complaint.”
Lemmerman said “They’re all amazing people.”
The janitors are essential to our school and everything that occurs within it.
Skog said “Oh man our janitors are so important to this building.”
Lemmerman said”They do have an amazing impact on this school.”
Spectrum’s janitors are so appreciated by students and the rest of the staff. Thank you janitors of Spectrum.