During the cold, winter months, having lack of motivation, or lack there of is something we all go through. Holden Dvorak said, “I have a lot of people counting on me to achieve the things that I want to achieve and I feel like if I focus on the small goals and the things that I don’t necessarily want to do it’ll just lead to a better outcome.” Sophie Jones, said something similar, “Some things that affect my motivation would definitely be my sleep schedule. If I don’t get enough sleep then I don’t have a lot of motivation.” Of 30 survey students, 19 said that they struggle to find motivation during the cold winter months. Most of those students stated that school work is usually the first thing to go when they lack motivation. Megan Conroy said, “I kinda just force myself to do school work otherwise I’m gonna fail my classes and I don’t wanna do that and I want good grades. I just tell myself if I want good grades I gotta do my stuff.”

Some students shared their ways of coping with low motivation and their tactics of how to overcome it. Ashley Kollie said, “The things that affect my motivation are the way I view things…I think I have to romanticize it. If I don’t make it seem like an ‘it’ girl thing or like a coquette thing then I’m not gonna do it.” Dvorak said, “Competitiveness. So like if there’s a chance I can do better than my friends I’m probably gonna do better in it.” If you’re struggling with motivation know that you’re not alone and there are lots of people in the same situation and that spring is right around the corner!