This year at Spectrum, a new tradition was started: Outstanding Stingers. The leaders of Student Council chose three students from each grade that they thought represented Spectrum High School’s core values. President of student council, Etta Glinsek, explained that many things went into choosing the Outstanding Stingers, like personality and character. Ashley Kollie, an Outstanding Stinger in her Junior year, shared what she thinks an Outstanding Stinger is.
“[An Outstanding Stinger] is a person who goes above and beyond,” Kollie said.

The idea of Outstanding Stingers has helped boost confidence in many students and give others good examples to look up to. It is a nice way to acknowledge the students that have put in effort to share positivity with the people around them.
“It really puts a spotlight on the people around us who are doing a good job and that can be a great role model and leadership crew for the other people in the school that are hoping to do more or be that,” sophomore Outstanding Stinger, Lyla Glinsek, said.
The Outstanding Stingers are people that have put in an effort to make the school a better place, and now Spectrum has made an effort to recognize them.