Teenagers, the elderly, and winter weather. With all of these variables on the roads, traffic safety is something that is essential to practice. With the ever-rising amount of student drivers, school officials, driving instructors, and fellow students remind one another that the most important thing about driving is doing it safely.
Sonya Cox, owner of Wreckless Driving Academy, is an expert on safe driving and educating young drivers.
“Because traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for teen drivers, it is very important to teach them from the start of their driving careers to respect traffic safety,” said Cox.
Young drivers learning traffic rules and how to drive safely is something that many would say is essential for the protection of all drivers. Katie Aase, a teacher at Spectrum High School and an after school traffic director, views following traffic rules as an important task for students.

“It’s a really risky practice,” said Aase. “You’re driving a lot of really heavy metal at a high speed and it’s a good way to hurt yourself or someone else.”
Students, although most are new to driving, also believe that following traffic laws is an important way to stay safe when driving.
“I try to show patience,” said Arianna Bechthold, a student driver. “We’re all going to get to our place on time.”
With all of the hazards on the road, there are still things drivers can do to avoid accidents. Sonya Cox explained that speeding and distracted driving are the leading causes of accidents on the road.
“Everyone needs to know the laws and follow them!” said Cox. “People don’t realize just how important it is to follow them. Mostly, it would be campaigns and education towards these issues, as well as enforcing them.”

Overall, Traffic safety is something vital to everyone on the road. Whether someone is a new driver, or a practiced one, they must follow the rules of the road and practice safely driving.