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Mothers Day, a time for appreciation.

Ms. Thompson with her husband and kids
Ms. Thompson with her husband and kids

This year mothers day was May 12th, so it is a great time to give mothers some extra love for all the hard work that they do. Some people will plan special things for their mothers to celebrate them. “We’ll wake up before her, and we’ll cook her breakfast. Normally we’ll do crepes, or something kinda fancy that we don’t normally make. It’ll be pretty sweet,” Danica Orth said.

Others may not have fancy traditions to celebrate the day but they still appreciate all that their mother does.

“I don’t really do a whole lot for my mother on mother’s day. I try to show her love and appreciation throughout the year rather than just on the one single day,” Ms. Tyler said.

With holidays come great memories shared with others.

“It would be probably my first mothers day,” Ms. Thompson said. “I think I cried, because it’s like, I was holding my first born, and like, you make me a mom, and I’m kinda a sentimental person so celebrating my first mothers day was pretty cool.”

Everyone’s mother means something different to each of us. It is important to celebrate our mothers and all they have done for us. Make sure to give your mother extra thanks!

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