Every year, Spectrum High school makes sure that seniors have a fun and important day, where they get pictures, thank yous, etc, as well as sharing their big choices with the rest of the school.
This year, on May 7th, seniors crowded into the gym for different stations, consisting of trying on caps and gowns, taking professional pictures, making thank you cards, and more. Although the day was already packed with these activities, it wasn’t over. During sting time, seniors went around to the different advisories and presented to the other students. “Ms. Meher has you fill out this like sheet and they give you, like a script, and then you get into this small group that’s assigned to you and you go around to sting times and talk about your college decision stuff.” said Naomi Orth, a 2024 graduate of Spectrum High School.
A new element was added to this annual event: Bingo. “I think it kept people involved with what was going on and actually listening to people’s stories and just hearing where they’re going and what they want to do.” said Etta Glinsek, a 2024 senior, explains how Bingo helped keep people paying attention. “I know when people went around to talk about their college decisions, I barely payed attention. So it makes sense to get people to listen to some of the things seniors are saying, some of it’s important.” Orth said, understanding the need to add Bingo.
This event allowed us to see a small glimpse of the next chapter in seniors lives, and we all wish them the best of luck to accomplish what they are setting out to do.