The cost of coffee is only getting more expensive, but some seniors consider it a small price to pay. Ellie Fox, a senior says,” [I spend] around seven dollars probably around four times a week.” That’s $112 a month and $1,344 a year! Emma Paulson, a senior, says, “[I spend] around seven to eight dollars probably everyday a week sometimes even twice a day.” That’s $270 a month and $3,240 a year! Violet Sorenson, a senior, says, “Well I work at Caribou so I get an employee discount and so it costs me around 4-5 dollars for the drink. Every week I go probably four or five times. I usually like to go before school.” That’s $72 a month and $864 a year! Megan Conroy, a senior, says [I spend] like six to seven dollars probably like three times a week.” That’s $78 a month and $936 a year!

As we go further through the school year, there’s less and less seniors have to do. With this free time, some will venture out to Caribou or Starbucks during their study halls to kill time. Sorenson says, “Usually b-days because I have a 5th hour study hall so I usually go then and work on school work.” Fox says, “Usually during my study halls during school.” Conroy says, “Sometimes I go after school… or before school.”

With going so often, students have “usuals” and have their order memorized. “If I’m feeling fruity, it’ll usually be a strawberry be a strawberry acai pink drink but if I want a matcha or a chai it’ll be a vanilla chai with matcha cold foam”, says Fox. Conroy says, “I get an iced chai tea latte with cinnamon cold foam.” “If I want anything like fruity or like kinda summer vibe I’ll go for a strawberry acai lemonade with light ice and no berries. Sometimes extra base if I’m feeling it. Whereas if I’m feeling a more lowkey drink or like a fall drink, I’ll get a pumpkin spice chai or a vanilla chai tea latte with matcha and iced and cream cold foam”, says Paulson. Sorenson says, “I usually get a latte with caramel and vanilla.”
To hear more about this story check out our YouTube to see the full story! This has been Bel, signing off.