The dance team is changing a lot and with change comes feelings. Ninth Grader Daniella Orton and Eleventh Grader Linda Götz are dancers on the Spectrum dance team. Both girls have their own thoughts on these changes.
Orton has been on the dance team for one year as of December 2024. She joined because she was a dancer at another studio. When Orton heard Spectrum had a dance team she wanted to give it a try. She ended up really enjoying the team itself as well as the people on the team so she stuck with it.
While the team is great and the dancers enjoy it, the changes have affected the dancers’ views on the team itself.
The team, which used to practice in the sixth grade gym, now practices in the seventh and eighth grade lunch room. Orton said that they had plenty of room in the gym and still have room in the lunchroom. She does wish, however, for some changes to be made. She wants more people to join the team. Not as many people are joining the team because they think dance is difficult or just not a sport, but Orton believes that dance is most definitely a sport.
Götz also has some input on the subject. She joined because she wanted to try something new, make friends, and get moving. Götz said she liked that they have a safer environment to learn in, but she wishes the team had more space. She feels that this new, limited space can cause a lot of problems and it can be dangerous. With how close the dancers are together, the risk of injury is greater. They can’t go all in on dancing due to this limited space.
Another key point from Götz was that she feels like this dance team isn’t a priority to the school. She said that other teams in and out of the gym get their needs fulfilled, but the dance team doesn’t get that privilege. She wishes the dance team would be viewed as more important to the school in general.
The dancers have expressed many views on this subject. Now, they hope they don’t go unheard.