Snow daze and spirit week 2023
February 7, 2023
This year’s snow daze was like any other, yet there were a few things that stuck out to make it unique.
During the Spirit week that led up to the Snowball Dance there were a few days that really stood out amongst the others. Wendsday was Pink Day and Thursday was Barbque Dads vs Soccer Moms. Both days had tons of engagement by the student body and made the school have a really fun atmosphere to it.

During the Pepfest on Friday there were many aweosme and notewothy events. The first thing was when Spectrum’s Dance Team showed off their skills to start off the pep fest. They did a very good job and it was awesome to see the talent. It was also fun to see the crowning of the Snow Daze Royalty.

Congratulations to all who were crowned! Afterwards there was a game that SVC put on that was a similar style to Family Feud which put the upperclassmen verses the underclassment. It was very cool to see the the crowd getting really invested.

And finally the Snow Ball dance. Everyone had a lot of fun and there was a lot of good energy!