A change made in 1987 that’s still in effect to this day
Women’s March 2017 – Pennsylvania Ave. Original public domain image from Wikimedia Commons
March 23, 2023
In March 1987, March became the official month for women (Women’s History Month) and at Spectrum High School the student body consists of a 53% female majority (USNews.org).We all have a woman in our life that we look up to or have a special relationship with. March gives us the opportunity to give appreciation for our mothers, family, or friends that are women. Being a woman means many different things and to Ms. Aase means, ” That is a term that means different things to different people for me it’s more about the experience of how I move in society and the expectations put on me.” Caroline Miltich says,” I think being a woman is what represents femininity.”

The history behind women’s rights and contributions have been a long, hard battle and making history will not stop anytime soon. Women have gone through a lot and tend to face different challenges than others. Aase says, “This month makes me feel exhausted, for this month we look at women who have done great things and if you look at it more you can see our rights are backsliding.” Women have had a lot of accomplishments and many of them have made a huge impact. We asked some people at Spectrum what they thought is the most influential piece in women’s history. Aase says,” The women’s labor movement in the gilded age in the 1890’s up to suffrage in the early 1900’s, without the labor movement we wouldn’t have the organization for suffrage and then we wouldn’t have rights.” Even in the name, Women’s History Month signifies a lot of memories and history. There are plenty of male historic figures that have made a change in the world, but what about women? Women have made lots of change throughout history but tend to get pushed to the side. Mrs. Hewitt says, “This month makes people know that there were women along with the men to make history, it’s not all about men.”
Before March is over, take some time to recognize and say thanks to some important women in your life, it’s important to help each other out and lift up each other’s confidence and self esteem. Ms. Aase says, “I think it’s always good to lift up women who have done good things I think it’s more important to focus on women’s individual accomplishments.” As this month slowly turns into April make sure you show appreciation for those who deserve it during this month before it’s gone!