The Spectrum community comes together for Brady Johnson

November 9, 2022
On October 4th, Brady Johnson, a freshman cross country member at Spectrum High school, was hit by a car walking home from cross country practice. He was airlifted to the hospital in a helicopter that landed on the road that is right in front of our own school. After Brady’s accident, the Spectrum community came together to support him and his family through a tough time.
A big support has been from the cross country team. Brady’s teammates came together and wore blue for him which symbolizes head trauma. They also made bracelets, posters, cards, and a signed bucket hat for Brady. They also came together and made food for the Johnson family that was dropped off at their house everyday.
“The blue symbolizes head trauma and head injuries, we just all wanted to wear that one color the day after to show our support for him.” replies Emma Cerezo, a junior Cross Country captain.
“We had one person everyday go and drop off dinner for them so they didn’t have to cook.” says Aden Khamdamov, a Cross Country team member.
The support from the whole community was greatly appreciated by Brady and his family which Jeramyah, a junior and sister to Brady commented on, “The cross country team has been really supportive, they all took turns bringing food for us and then just checking in with our family and making sure we’re doing okay.”
Thankfully, Brady has made an astonishingly quick recovery and is already back in school.
A Go Fund Me has also been created for Brady and his family. If you would like to donate, click this link or look up ‘Brady’s Hospital Bills’ on Go Fund Me.