Mollet’s environmental C@SH class did a mock city council meeting discussing a hypothetical proposition proposed by a corporation to set up an underground storage tank to improve their factories efficiency in the local community. Students played the parts of different interest groups and parties. Their was two main groups that were in opposition to each other these groups were the Zanec Corporation that wanted to build the new underground storage tanks and the environmentalist who had concern that the construction of the underground storage tanks would disturb the local Elk population. There were also students that represented the interest of the local homeowners with some being for the new construction because of the jobs it would bring to the community. While the other homeowners had health concerns over the construction of the underground storage tanks. Another group present at the mock city council meeting was the local health association which only cared that the underground storage tanks were safe and up to code. The mock city council meeting helped the students explore the ideas of governance and of environmental policy in decision making having to fact in all the different perspectives and interest and reaching a comprise which satisfies most parties. Another way this project benefited students was in its ability to help demonstrate the processes of local governance.